
sse 10,9 km
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On a magic spot of the acropolis of former fortified Přemyslovci settlement situated on the top of St. Ján hill, right inside the town historical district of Netolice, rises since the year 2004 step by step an archaeological park, thematically focused on the period of the rise of the Czech state in 10th–13th century. It is the first example of southern Bohemian archaeological site presented with the help of direct reconstruction.
Currently, most of the park’s area is utilized by a cynology club; however, the main route leading through the acropolis of the fortified settlement is open to the public. Here visitors have the opportunity to see a cross section of the main loose-material bulwark from the 10th century, reconstructed load-bearing wall with the body of the chambered fortifications with palisades at the location of archaeological explorations in 2000, and the landform remains of a smaller “pincer gate”.
Contact: Informační středisko a Muzeum JUDr. Otakara Kudrny, Mírové náměstí 248, Netolice,,, tel: 388 324 251
Note: The Archeopark is accessible from one side only. For safety reasons, the eastern part of the staircase is closed.
Obrázek - Archeopark Netolice
wew 12,8 km
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Opening: daily with presence of owners 9.00 - 17.00
Address: Dub, 38425 Dub u Prachatic, Mgr. Jana-Marie di Battaglia, Ing. Jaroslav di Battaglia, CSc.,, tel: 603 750 056
Obrázek - Castle Dub (Oak)
e 9,9 km
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Renaissance chateau with permanent exposure. The tour also includes a castle chapel of the Birth of the Virgin Mary and the Renaissance garden with a moat.
Opening: April: Sat, Sun 9.00 - 15.30; May: Tue - Sun 9.00 - 15.30; June - August: Tue - Sun 9.00 - 16.30; September: Tue - Sun 9.00 - 15.30; October: Sat, Sun, holidays 9.00 - 15.30
Address: Zámek, 38411 Netolice,,, tel: 388 324 380
Obrázek - Castle Kratochvíle
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The cycle path leads to the north of Vodňany and it runs in the fl at country to the village of Ražice which belongs to the Free Association of villages called the Golden hill. It goes through the villages and settlements of: Krašlovice, Kloub, Božovice, Humňany (behind it there is possible to turn to Štětice, it is a good choice especially for lovers of horse riding) and Ražice. You can go on to Kestřany where there are 2 village strongholds and annually the competition in panning for gold takes place there on the river Otava, to Putim – one of the destinations of a good soldier Švejk, to Sudoměř where nearby there is the memorial of Jan Žižka at the pond Škaredý, to Štěkeň where there is possible to watch the memorial hall of a writer Karel Klostermann in the local castle – convent.
Interesting places: Krašlovice – mills, a pub; Kloub – the village preservation area; Božovice – the ruins of a stronghold; Zlatá hora – 461 m above sea level, the geographical centre of the microregion of the Golden hill; Ražice – the South Bohemian village of the year 2007, a pub; Th e pond Řežabinec – a bird reserve with an observation tower; Ražický pond – the nature noteworthy place
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The cycle path links the town of Vodňany with other close towns. The pleasant way to Protivín goes along the river Blanice past the Loucký mill and through Milenovice. In the direction of Bavorov you must get over the Svobodné mountains and it passes through the villages of Stožice, Křepice, Libějovické Svobodné Hory and Bavorovské Svobodné Hory. Crossing the river Blanice you reach your destination and you can go on along the way No 1112 to the forester´s district of Mlaka with huge ruins of the castle Helfenburk. From the local lookout tower there is a beautiful view of the surrounding country. Initially chosen way continues to the communities of Hájek, Dub, Vlachovo Březí, Lštění, Štítkov, Svatá Máří, as far as to the town of Vimperk (38 km).
Interesting places: Protivín – the Chapel of St. Anne, the school decorations by Mikoláš Aleš, a castle, the museum exposition of the exotic nature, the crocodile ZOO, a bike repair service; Milenovice – the listed feudal court; the Loucký mill – the pub U Korittů; Stožice – the parental home of a writer Josef Holeček, a natural swimming pool, a pub; Křepice – in 1927 the rare strike of gold was made in the nearby wood, it is exhibited in the Vodňany gallery; the Svobodná mountain – 640 m above sea level, particular villages came into being there at the end of the 18th century; Bavorov – the historical town, the Gothic church, a snack bar, a sweet shop, a swimming pool, the nature noteworthy place
called the Bavorov Hillside; Dub – a castle, the Jewish cemetery; Helfenburk – a shooting place of the fi lm fairy-tale “Princess from the mill” (1993) by Zdeněk Troška
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This route passes the largest Vodňany pond called Dřemliny and the village of Strpí and it goes through the villages of Radomilice, Dubenec,
Dívčice (turning to the way No 1083/4 brings you to the memorial of a farmer Kubata), Mydlovary (it is recommended to refresh at the pond Mydlák or at the swimming pool in Olešník) and Zahájí. The goal of this trip is the castle in Hluboká nad Vltavou. From there you can individually choose the cycle paths to all directions of the Blata region including the regional capital České Budějovice.
Interesting places: the Dřemliny pond – built in 1528; Strpí – in the local part called Klůs there lived “the fi rst Czech aviator” Vít Fučík (1719 –1804), nicknamed Kudlička; Radomilice – the village architecture; Mydlovary – a pub; Hluboká nad Vltavou – a castle, a museum, ZOO, a swimming pool, refreshment
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The cycleway shows the visitors round the most favourite tourist places in the Vodňany region in the past but also in the present time. It is worthy of mention that more than 100 years ago a writer Julius Zeyer walked along these places with his friends. And they have remained popular up to these days. The great importance of landscaping of the nature in the baroque times lead to the establishment of the Nature conservation area of the Libějovice-Lomec regions. The chosen way passes through the village of Chelčice. There you can opt for 2 possible variations how to get to the castle in Libějovice. The 1st option is to take the marked path past Záhorčí, the 2nd one leads you to the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene in the place called Na Lázni and from there along the lovely tree-lined avenue. The way runs in the former castle park and takes you to the church of pilgrimage on the Lomec hill. Cycleway goes on to the castle Kratochvíle and to the village of Lhenice. There you can join the nature trail called the Historical country of the Netolice region and get to its centre – the town of Netolice (16 km).
Interesting places: Vodňany – the baroque house “U čápů” where there lived a writer Julius Zeyer, the memorial halls of Julius Zeyer and František Herites in the Town Gallery; Chelčice – the Church of St. Martin, the memorial hall of a religious thinker Petr Chelčický, a pub; Záhorčí – its former owner is identifi ed with Petr Chelčický; Libějovice – a stronghold, an “old castle”, a baroque “new” castle, a pub; Libějovice park – a nature reserve; Lomec (commonly Lomeček) the baroque church with the altar which is a free copy of Bernini canopy of the pontifi cal altar in St. Peter´s Cathedral in Rome
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Two-way route was determined with the aim to show the area of the Vodňany region with its all natural and historical varieties with the emphasis on fi shing and fi sh farming tradition. Going south (less demanding) through Újezd and Hvožďany you get to the place called Na Lázni nearby Chelčice, from there the way continues to the village of Libějovické Svobodné Hory. Then, going north, you ride to Křepice and from the crossroads in Vodňanské Svobodné Hory to the village of Pražák. Th e fi nal lap of the journey runs among ponds and mills back to the town of Vodňany.
Interesting places: Na Lázni at Chelčice – the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, refreshment; Libějovické Svobodné Hory – the Schwarzenberg yard, the statue of St. George on the high column on the hill Holička; Vodňanské Svobodné Hory – the little Chapel of St. Leonard, refreshment; Pražák – the little Chapel of St. Trinity decorated on the draft of Mikoláš Aleš, the Jewish cemetery, a caravan campsite – protected tree – “the oak of Herites”, refreshment, swimming
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Vodňany - Pražák
Obrázek - Cycleway Po Trubách
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Vertrieb und Service Fahrräder, den Verkauf von Kindersitze , Helme, Zubehör, Fahrräder - Berg, krossová, komplette Reparaturen, Custombikes zu bauen.
Preis Fahrräder bis 1: 1 Tag 250, - 480 2 Tage - 3 Tage 690-230 begonnen -
Opening: tu - Fr 10,00 - 12.00, 13.00 - 16.00, Sa 8.30 - 11.30
Address: náměstí Svobody 21, 38901 Vodňany, Pavel Zástava,, tel: 739 412 436
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Admission CZK 60 full, reduced - children, seniors, disabled 30 CZK
Opening: July-August open daily, except Mondays 9.00 - 11th, from 13.00 to 16.00. Guided tours begin every hour.
Address: Zátiší 480, 38901 Vodňany,,
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Wooden objects, place for rest or picnic
Address: Zátiší, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Forest Park Zátiší
sse 5,9 km
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Address: Lomec 62, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Franciscan Monastery of Mary Immaculate
w 12,4 km
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The castle ruins on the rocky ridge
Opening: 1. 5. – 31. 10. tue - ne 10.00 - 17.00
Address: Bavorov, 38773 Bavorov, Eva Seberová 724 724 747,,,, tel: 383 390 202 - Město Bavorov - majitel
Obrázek - Helfenburk
ene 15,8 km
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Viewing of models with interactive programs in the theater, exhibitions, information about the nuclear power plant.
Opening: Mon - Fri 9.00 - 16.00,
Address: Temelín - elektrárna, 37301 Temelín,,, tel: 381 102 639
Obrázek - Information Center Nuclear Power Plant - Manor Vysoký Hrádek
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Opening: 1. 1. - 31. 3. - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, Sat - 9.00 - 12.00, Sun - zavřeno, 1. 4. - 30. 9. - denně - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 1. 10. - 31. 12. - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, Sat - 9.00 - 12.00, Sun - zavřeno, 1. 1. - zavřeno, 18. 4. - Fri - zavřeno, 1. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 8. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 28. 9. - zavřeno, 28. 10. - zavřeno, 17. 11. - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun - zavřeno, 24. 12. - 26. 12. - zavřeno, 31. 12. - zavřeno
Address: náměstí Svobody 18, 38901 Vodňany, Vlasta Schánělcová,,, tel: 383 384 934
wew 3,1 km
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Founded 1840. His purpose served in World War II. The oldest tombstones come from pos. 19th century. The cemetery was financially supported by the city Vodňan sponsors and volunteers repaired and officially opened to public consultation 6. September 1998.
Address: Pražák, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Jewish cemetery
sse 5,9 km
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Pilgrims Church of Our Lady, built in 1695-1704
Address: Lomec 52, 38901 Vodňany,,,, tel: 601 251 050, 721 095 223 s. Mlada Šipanová (prohlídka kostela)
Obrázek - Lomec - The baroque Church of Our Lady
eew 2,9 km
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Memorial Petra Chelčického personality and his reference to Chelčicko
Chelčicko Regional Museum and Monument zones Libějovické-Lomecká
Interactive elements of medieval times Petra Chelčického
OPENING HOURS: The memorial is open from 1. april to 31. october. The normal daily operating time of the memorial is not fixed, according to the traffic of visitors. Inspection must always be arranged by phone minimum 2 days in advance! On Saturday and Sunday tours only for groups booked in advance. Orders groups the opportunity to present specialized guide. Local guides Mgr. Margaret Cinádrová, tel .: 608 076 360, e-mail:, specialized guide / lecturer Mgr. Klara Kavanová Mušková, tel.: 776 134 683, email:,
The entrance fee: 50 CZK per person, family ticket 130 CZK, or admission for groups over 10 people CZK 500, maximum group size of 20 persons, children under 3 free.
Address: Chelčice, 38901 Vodňany,
Místní průvodce Mgr. Markéta Cinádrová,, tel: 608 076 360
Specializovaný průvodce/lektor Mgr. Klára Kavanová Mušková,, tel: 776 134 683
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The path is located west of Protivín and it is accompanied by 18 stops about the history of visited places and about their natural objects of interest. It goes through the village of Myšenec, down the river Blanice, past the stronghold Klokočín, to the villages of Skály and Budičovice. Further it goes along interesting remains of the stronghold Božovice at the Tvrzský pond
and it passes through the lovely country of the Protivín area. The pleasant break could be in the restaurant in Chvaletice and from there the way leads to Milenovice and back to Protivín.
Interesting places: Protivín – the Chapel of St. Anne, the school decorations on the draft of Mikoláš Aleš, a castle, the museum exposition of the exotic nature, a bike repair service, an information office; Myšenec – the remains of the Přemyslide castle, the geological nature noteworthy place “Myšenec suns”; Th e river Blanice – 95 km long, the tributary of the Otava river; Klokočín – a shooting place of the film “Markéta Lazarova” by František Vláčil (1967), the path to Maletice; Chvaletice – the restaurant “U roubené studny”; Milenovice – the listed feudal court
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The way starts in Stožice, leads along the local road to the crossroads and turns right to the village of Křepice (or left to Chelčice). In
Křepice on the crossroads the way turns left to the hill called the Svobodná mountain (640 m above sea level with a view of the Šumava
mountains, the area of České Budějovice, the Písek mountains, the Vodňany mountains) and to the village of Vodňanské Svobodné
Hory. You can relax at the Chapel of St. Leonard or refresh yourselves at the farmstead U Šťástků. Th e fi nal part of the way leads to
Pražák (red tourist mark) and on the edge of the wood turns right back to the village of Stožice. Th e fi nal part needs heightened cautiousness
because of the terrain.
Interesting places: Stožice – the parental home of a writer Josef Holeček (1853 – 1929), a natural swimming pool, a pub; Křepice – the rare strike of gold in 1927 comes from the nearby wood, it is exhibited in the Vodňany gallery; Vodňanské Svobodné Hory – refreshment, an accommodation, horse riding
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Suburban tourist way introduces the places in Vodňany which are directly related with fishing trade. On the outskirts it leads to the hatchery of the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, past the pond Velká Podvinice, past the Secondary Fisheries School and past above mentioned the Research institute. The circle continues past the ponds Velká Outrata and Malá Outrata, to the pond Malá Podvinice and back to the beginning of the way. Th e end of the fi shing walk can belong to the visit of museums, to tasting of some fish specialities, f.e. Carp made in the special Vodňany way (U Zástavů restaurant) or Carp made after the recipe of Mr. Štěpnička (Hotel Prajer).
Interesting places: The Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (1953); The Secondary Fisheries School (1920) – the monument of a Vodňany native Theodor Mokrý, a forest and fishing expert (2000); protected tree – the lime – 265 years old; the complex of Vodňany ponds (2nd half of the 15th and 16th centuries); the “Fishing” museum in the former synagogue; the Mostecký mill – a miller´s museum; Th e mill Řepiš – a miller´s memorial
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The path starts in the part of Vodňany called Rechle and it leads north-west up the Blanice brook (mill- race) and up the Blanice river to the village of Křtětice. On the path there are set 7 info points and a rest alcove. The visitors are informed about historical and natural objects of interest and about fi shing and miller´s tradition in the Vodňany region. Th e path joins the tourist way “Around Vodňany” which continues
from Křtětice to Radčice with an observation stop on the Radčice hill. Then the way leads up to the Loucký mill where meets the cycleway No 1075 with the possibility to come back to Vodňany. The refreshment in the pub U Korittů can be considered a pleasant stop on the way.
Interesting places: Th e Blanice river – fishing; The School Experimental fi sh culture facility of the Secondary Fisheries School and the Experimental fi sh culture facility of the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice; Křtětice – the village conservation area of folk architecture, a children´s playground, a pub; Radčice – the complex of folk buildings, a pub; the Loucký mill – the water power plant, a pub
nw 20,1 km
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Between the villages Dobev and Velké Nepodřice you can step up to the outlook tower with 165 steps, 531 m above the sea level. The pole is 65m high and you can admire the beauty of surroundings at the height of 31 m. You can see the tops of Šumava. Outlook-tower is opened year round, gratis, but together for only 8 persons.
Address: Velké Nepodřice, 39701 Písek 1,, tel: 382 262 103
Obrázek - Outlook-tower "Velký Kamýk"
wew 5,2 km
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Lookout tower 24.5 meters high.
Opening: nonstop
Address: Vodňanské Svobodné Hory, 38901 Vodňany,
Current temperature and humidity data are currently unavailable.
Online current values of temperature and humidity:
ne 6,6 km
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The largest Central European captive collection of 18 crocodile species. Zoological Museum.
Opening: from 12 noon to 4 p.m., June 1 to October 31
Address: Náměstí 261, 39811 Protivín,, - ředitel, tel: 602 214 246, 722 940 080, pokladna 725 155 648, objednávky školních výletů a skupinových zájezdů: 722 940 080,
Obrázek - Protivin Crocodile ZOO
wew 7,6 km
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Dollshouses, models and other tiny toys collected over more than forty years by Gil Bomber
Opening: in summer 15. 6. 2024 - we - su 11.00 am - 04.00 pm, other times possible by appointment
Address: Dr. Mareše 370, 38773 Bavorov, Gil Bomber,,,, tel: +420 608 233 310
Note: Large groups by appointment only please Admission free, but donations towards the running of Small Worlds are very welcome
Obrázek - Small worlds
ese 22,7 km
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Address: Sportovní 1276, 37341 Hluboká nad Vltavou,, tel: 723 584 866
Obrázek - Sport and Leisure Areal minigolf Hluboká nad Vltavou
ene 19,3 km
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The complex biological collections: Exposure to forest communities of South Bohemia, South Bohemian Geopark rock collection of the world's species of pine, Palaeontological Collection: On the wings of a pterodactyl, collection of medicinal herbs. Exhibitions are open to the public from April to October every Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 5pm hours, during summer holidays daily from 10am to 7pm. On other days by arrangement.
We provide educational programs for schools and excursions.
Address: Na Semenci, 37501 Týn nad Vltavou 1 - Týn nad Vltavou,,, tel: 604 626 894
Obrázek - The Natural Museum Semenec
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Opening: 1. 1. - 31. 3. - Mon, Sat, Sun - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, Fri - 9.00 - 12.00, 1. 4. - 30. 9. - Mon - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 1. 10. - 31. 12. - Mon, Sat - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, Fri - 9.00 - 12.00, Sun - 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 1. - zavřeno, 18. 4. - Fri - zavřeno, 1. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 8. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 5. 7. - 6. 7. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 28. 10. - 13.00 - 16.00, 17. 11. - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat - zavřeno, 26. 12. - 13.00 - 16.00, 31. 12. - zavřeno, 24. 12. - 26. 12. - zavřeno, 27. 12. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00
Address: náměstí Svobody 18, 38901 Vodňany, Jitka Velková,,, tel: 383 382 057
Obrázek - The Town Gallery Vodňany
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Exhibitions and exposition called The Fishing Tradition in Vodňany
Opening: 1. 1. - 30. 4. - zavřeno, 1. 5. - 30. 9. - Mon - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 10. - 31. 12. - zavřeno, 5. 7. - 6. 7. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 11.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 8. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 11.00 and 13.00 - 16.00
Address: Majerova 153, 38901 Vodňany, Jitka Velková,,, tel: 731 013 957, 383 382 057
Obrázek - The Town Museum Vodňany (Synagogue)
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Opening: April to September: pre-arranged tours for groups over 10 people, July-August: guided tours at 10.00 and 15.00
Address: 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - The town walls
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Exposure in urban bastion was opened in 2015 for grant support South Region. It is accessible only with a guide.
Urban bastion is located in Jiráskova street in the area of Home Youth Vocational School Vodňany services.
Admission: Children under 6 are free, children 6-15 years old and seniors over 65 years 10, - CZK, others 20, - CZK, school groups and 5, - CZK
Opening: April to September: pre-arranged tours for groups over 10 people, July - August: guided tours at 11.00 and 15.00
Address: 38901 Vodňany, J. Velková,,, tel: 383 382 057, 383 384 934
Obrázek - Urban bastion - an exhibition of military history of the city "Jan Žižka and Vodňany"
n 17,9 km
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The tower is open all year round depending on weather conditions. In case of closing the tower, the keys can be found in the nearby in Živec. Entrance is free of charge, on your own risk. There are two stairs for going up and down. From the platform in the height of 35 m there are beautiful views of the area of Písecké Mountain, the town of Písek and surroundings.
Address: Písecké hory, 39701 Písek,, tel: 382 213 592
Obrázek - Viewing Tower Jarník Písek
ne 12,8 km
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Address: Vladimír Voneš,,, tel: 739 189 341
Contact: Vladimír Voneš, tel: 739 189 341
Obrázek - Viewing Tower Vysoký Kamýk u Albrechtic nad Vltavou
ese 21,4 km
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Address: Ohrada 417, 37341 Hluboká nad Vltavou,,, tel: 387 002 213, 387 002 211, 602 112 143 - záchranná stanice (volejte pouze do 18 hod. Pokud se nedovoláte, pošlete sms nebo mail.)
Obrázek - ZOO Hluboká nad Vltavou