Historical sights

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Text: In this house was born VÁŠA PŘÍHODA world violinist and educator (22. 8. 1900 Vodňany - 26. 7. 1960 Vienna)
Address: náměstí Svobody 8, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - A commemorative plaque on the violin virtuoso Váša Příhoda
wew 12,8 km
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Opening: daily with presence of owners 9.00 - 17.00
Address: Dub, 38425 Dub u Prachatic, Mgr. Jana-Marie di Battaglia, Ing. Jaroslav di Battaglia, CSc., zamek.dub@centrum.cz, tel: 603 750 056
Obrázek - Castle Dub (Oak)
e 9,9 km
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Renaissance chateau with permanent exposure. The tour also includes a castle chapel of the Birth of the Virgin Mary and the Renaissance garden with a moat.
Opening: April: Sat, Sun 9.00 - 15.30; May: Tue - Sun 9.00 - 15.30; June - August: Tue - Sun 9.00 - 16.30; September: Tue - Sun 9.00 - 15.30; October: Sat, Sun, holidays 9.00 - 15.30
Address: Zámek, 38411 Netolice, www.zamek-kratochvile.cz, kratochvile@npu.cz, tel: 388 324 380
Obrázek - Castle Kratochvíle
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Text: In this building, 12. 5. 1945 met a representative of the US Army gen. Brown Soviet commander gen. por. Tikhonov and gen. maj. Masovčuk to discuss the progress of the demarcation line between the victorious Allied troops. Participated was also commander of the guerrillas gen. Sucharda.
Dedicated by the city Vodňany 12. 5. 1995
Address: Písecká 24, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Commemorative plaque at the end of WW2
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Text: There in the years 1930 - 1950 lived and worked mons. TOMÁŠ BERÁNEK * 15. 8. 1897 † 3. 12. 1954 dean and rector in Vodňany martyred r. 1954 in a communist prison Mírov
Address: Alešova 44, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Commemorative plaque Mons. Tomáš Beránek
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Text: In this house was born writer František Herites 1851
Address: náměstí Svobody 1, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Commemorative plaque to writer František Herites
sse 5,9 km
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Address: Lomec 62, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Franciscan Monastery of Mary Immaculate
w 12,4 km
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The castle ruins on the rocky ridge
Opening: 1. 5. – 31. 10. tue - ne 10.00 - 17.00
Address: Bavorov, 38773 Bavorov, Eva Seberová 724 724 747, www.facebook.com/zriceninahradu, www.helfenburk.com, evicka.seberova@seznam.cz, tel: 383 390 202 - Město Bavorov - majitel
Obrázek - Helfenburk
eew 2,8 km
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Address: Chelčice, 38901 Vodňany, www.farnostvodnany.cz
nw 6,8 km
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Opening: open only after phone agreement
Address: Skočice, 38775 Skočice, p. Šídlo, tel: 776 302 629
Obrázek - Church of the Visitation
wew 3,1 km
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Founded 1840. His purpose served in World War II. The oldest tombstones come from pos. 19th century. The cemetery was financially supported by the city Vodňan sponsors and volunteers repaired and officially opened to public consultation 6. September 1998.
Address: Pražák, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Jewish cemetery
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(at the chapel next to the building of the Secondary Fisheries School) – 23 m high, the girth of the trunk 527 cm, the age 527 years
Address: Zátiší, 38901 Vodňany
sse 5,9 km
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Pilgrims Church of Our Lady, built in 1695-1704
Address: Lomec 52, 38901 Vodňany, www.lomec.cz, lomec@lomec.cz, sm.mlada@gmail.com, tel: 601 251 050, 721 095 223 s. Mlada Šipanová (prohlídka kostela)
Obrázek - Lomec - The baroque Church of Our Lady
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Text: In the house Jirchář Andres on Vodňany square no. 23 lived in the years 1852 and 1856 JOSEF KAJETÁN TYL.
Address: Písecká 24, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Memorial Plaque of Stay J. K. Tyl
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Text: Here lived and January 1st 1899 died Czech poet Otakar Mokrý
Address: náměstí Svobody 194, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Memorial plaque to the poet Otakar Mokrý
w 3,5 km
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(between the railway and the road near the campsite Pražák) – 25 meters high, the girth of the trunk 532 cm, the age 260 years
Address: Pražák, 38901 Vodňany
wew 3,9 km
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Address: Vodňanské Svobodné Hory, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - St. Chapel Linhart
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Author sculptor Josef Kvasnička 1928
Address: Žižkovo náměstí, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Statue of Jan Žižka
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It was adapted in 1928 according to the design of Josef Kvasnička, the author of the allegorical - statue of Liberty. Below the statue, on the middle column, there can be seen both the municipal coat of arms and symbols of the activities done in the town – fish farming, agriculture and industry.
Address: náměstí Svobody, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - The Fountain in the Square of Liberty
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Address: 38901 Vodňany
Contact: Město Vodňany, náměstí Svobody 18, Vodňany, www.vodnany.eu, tel: 383 379 140
Obrázek - The Chapel of St. Adalbert (Vojtěch)
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Address: Kodádkova, 38901 Vodňany
Contact: P. Josef Prokeš, Alšova 44, Vodňany, www.farnostvodnany.cz, krikjp@gmail.com, tel: 777 305 372
Obrázek - The Church of St. John the Baptist
wew 6,5 km
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West situated hillside (418 – 438 m above the sea level) above the river Blanice, 1 km east of Bavorov, of the area 0,74 ha with the protective area 2,15 ha
Address: Bavorov, 38773 Bavorov
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The small pond ( 395 – 396 m above the sea level) lying in the system of other ponds, 1,5 km north-west of the historical Vodňany square, of the area 2,11 ha. The nature sight was proclaimed in 1990, it preserves the ecosystem. The pond is important from the standpoint of abundance of water birds for their nesting and migration and as a reproductive biotop for several species of the amphibians.
Address: 38901 Vodňany
sse 4,2 km
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East part of the castle gardens (431-444 m above the sea level) on the south edge of the village Libějovice covers an area 14,13 ha with the protective area 3,03 ha has been the nature reserve since 1996. There can be found very valuable community of oak trees and hornbeams. Within the south Bohemian region it is the unique nature locality with the high biological variety.
Address: Libějovice, 38772 Libějovice
wnw 6,1 km
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The mixed wood in the upper part of the hill Hrad (666,8 m above the sea level), 2 km south of the village Skočice, 6 km north-west of Vodňany. The main reason for the proclamation of the 29-hectare nature reserve in 1985 is the protection of the original deciduous wood with the predominance of oak trees. Apart from the complex of the wood vegetation very important is the abundance of some rare and specially protected species of the plants and animals. In the west part of the reserve there are left the parts of the stone wall of Celtic settlement, the important archaelogical monument.
Address: Skočice, 38775 Skočice
w 3,8 km
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Záhorský pond with the adjacent damp meadows and alder grove along the river Blanice (406-412 m above the sea level), 1,5 km wast of the village Pražák and 4 km west of Vodňany covers an area 33,5 ha with the protective belt of 9,6 ha. In 1997 it was proclaimed the nature reserve because of the protection of marshland vegetation. It has considerable importance for the growing wetland habitat and for the keeping valuable wetland communities. It is the case of the rarest vegetation wetland zone in the whole west part of the České Budějovice region.
Address: Pražák, 38901 Vodňany
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Opening: 1. 1. - 31. 3. - Mon, Sat, Sun - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, Fri - 9.00 - 12.00, 1. 4. - 30. 9. - Mon - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 1. 10. - 31. 12. - Mon, Sat - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, Fri - 9.00 - 12.00, Sun - 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 1. - zavřeno, 29. 3. - Fri - zavřeno, 1. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 8. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 5. 7. - 6. 7. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 17.00, 28. 10. - 13.00 - 16.00, 17. 11. - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat - zavřeno, 26. 12. - 13.00 - 16.00, 31. 12. - zavřeno, 24. 12. - 25. 12. - zavřeno, 27. 12. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00
Address: náměstí Svobody 18, 38901 Vodňany, Jitka Velková, www.muzeumvodnany.cz, mag@vodnany.net, tel: 383 382 057
Obrázek - The Town Gallery Vodňany
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Exhibitions and exposition called The Fishing Tradition in Vodňany
Opening: 1. 1. - 30. 4. - zavřeno, 1. 5. - 30. 9. - Mon - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 10. - 31. 12. - zavřeno, 5. 7. - 6. 7. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 11.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 8. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 11.00 and 13.00 - 16.00
Address: Majerova 153, 38901 Vodňany, Jitka Velková, www.muzeumvodnany.cz, mag@vodnany.net, tel: 731 013 957, 383 382 057
Obrázek - The Town Museum Vodňany (Synagogue)
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Opening: April to September: pre-arranged tours for groups over 10 people, July-August: guided tours at 10.00 and 15.00
Address: 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - The town walls
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Exposure in urban bastion was opened in 2015 for grant support South Region. It is accessible only with a guide.
Urban bastion is located in Jiráskova street in the area of Home Youth Vocational School Vodňany services.
Admission: Children under 6 are free, children 6-15 years old and seniors over 65 years 10, - CZK, others 20, - CZK, school groups and 5, - CZK
Opening: April to September: pre-arranged tours for groups over 10 people, July - August: guided tours at 11.00 and 15.00
Address: 38901 Vodňany, J. Velková, www.muzeumvodnany.cz, mag@vodnany.net, tel: 383 382 057, 383 384 934
Obrázek - Urban bastion - an exhibition of military history of the city "Jan Žižka and Vodňany"