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The cycle path links the town of Vodňany with other close towns. The pleasant way to Protivín goes along the river Blanice past the Loucký mill and through Milenovice. In the direction of Bavorov you must get over the Svobodné mountains and it passes through the villages of Stožice, Křepice, Libějovické Svobodné Hory and Bavorovské Svobodné Hory. Crossing the river Blanice you reach your destination and you can go on along the way No 1112 to the forester´s district of Mlaka with huge ruins of the castle Helfenburk. From the local lookout tower there is a beautiful view of the surrounding country. Initially chosen way continues to the communities of Hájek, Dub, Vlachovo Březí, Lštění, Štítkov, Svatá Máří, as far as to the town of Vimperk (38 km).
Interesting places: Protivín – the Chapel of St. Anne, the school decorations by Mikoláš Aleš, a castle, the museum exposition of the exotic nature, the crocodile ZOO, a bike repair service; Milenovice – the listed feudal court; the Loucký mill – the pub U Korittů; Stožice – the parental home of a writer Josef Holeček, a natural swimming pool, a pub; Křepice – in 1927 the rare strike of gold was made in the nearby wood, it is exhibited in the Vodňany gallery; the Svobodná mountain – 640 m above sea level, particular villages came into being there at the end of the 18th century; Bavorov – the historical town, the Gothic church, a snack bar, a sweet shop, a swimming pool, the nature noteworthy place
called the Bavorov Hillside; Dub – a castle, the Jewish cemetery; Helfenburk – a shooting place of the fi lm fairy-tale “Princess from the mill” (1993) by Zdeněk Troška