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Opening: nonstop
Address: Nad Velkou Podvinicí, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Beluga large
wew 6,9 km
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14 huts, each with 4 beds, mixed WC and toilets, plug for caravans, possibility to cook, 240.- / hut
- swimming pool in the area of the camp, fireplace, playground, parking place, buffet, river Blanice 50 m far from the camp, possibility to go fishing, Wifi.
Opening: 1. May - 30. September
Address: Bavorov, 38773 Bavorov,,, tel: 723 032 639
Obrázek - Camp Bavorov
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Opening: nonstop
Address: Suchomelka, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Crayfish
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Two-way route was determined with the aim to show the area of the Vodňany region with its all natural and historical varieties with the emphasis on fi shing and fi sh farming tradition. Going south (less demanding) through Újezd and Hvožďany you get to the place called Na Lázni nearby Chelčice, from there the way continues to the village of Libějovické Svobodné Hory. Then, going north, you ride to Křepice and from the crossroads in Vodňanské Svobodné Hory to the village of Pražák. Th e fi nal lap of the journey runs among ponds and mills back to the town of Vodňany.
Interesting places: Na Lázni at Chelčice – the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, refreshment; Libějovické Svobodné Hory – the Schwarzenberg yard, the statue of St. George on the high column on the hill Holička; Vodňanské Svobodné Hory – the little Chapel of St. Leonard, refreshment; Pražák – the little Chapel of St. Trinity decorated on the draft of Mikoláš Aleš, the Jewish cemetery, a caravan campsite – protected tree – “the oak of Herites”, refreshment, swimming
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Address: Rechle 311, 38901 Vodňany, Miroslav Průcha,,, tel: 724 805 497
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Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters University of South Bohemia in the Czech Budejovice (FROV JU) was founded on September 1, 2009. This faculty is its focus on fisheries, aquaculture, water and complex systems, is currently the only of its kind in Central Europe.
Address: Zátiší 728, 38901 Vodňany,,, tel: +420 387 774 601
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live bait, meat and bone worms, earthworms
Opening: Mon - Fri 8.00 - 11.30, 12.30 - 17.00, Sat 8.00 - 11.00
Address: V Líse 77, 38901 Vodňany, Radek Křenek, tel: 728 660 278
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Admission CZK 60 full, reduced - children, seniors, disabled 30 CZK
Opening: July-August open daily, except Mondays 9.00 - 11th, from 13.00 to 16.00. Guided tours begin every hour.
Address: Zátiší 480, 38901 Vodňany,,
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- double bedrooms with showers and WC
- 290.- / bed / day, for more days – 250.- /bed
- possible to have meals , full board – 310-, children up to 10 : 235.-
Opening: only during then summer holidays
Address: Zátiší 480, 38901 Vodňany,,, tel: 383 382 410, 602 109 667, fax: 383 382 409
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Educational activities, advisory services, excursions, rental space ...
MEVPIS Centre has 16 double (twin bedding), 2 double and 2 single barrier-free room. All rooms are equipped with private bathroom (toilet, shower) and WIFI connection.
from 300 CZK per person/night
Address: Na Valše 207, 38901 Vodňany,, vedoucí:, ubytování:, tel: • Ing. Petra Plachtová, Vedoucí MEVPIS (vzdělávací akce pro školy),, +420 602 690 635• Mgr. Kateřina Buchtelová, Koordinátorka akcí MEVPIS (ubytování, pronájem prostor, akce), kb
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Address: Zátiší 480, 38901 Vodňany, Ing. Pavel Vejsada, Ph.D. - ředitel školy,,, tel: Telefon do školy: 383 382 410, 383 382 411, Telefon na ředitele školy: 724 124 760
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Suburban tourist way introduces the places in Vodňany which are directly related with fishing trade. On the outskirts it leads to the hatchery of the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, past the pond Velká Podvinice, past the Secondary Fisheries School and past above mentioned the Research institute. The circle continues past the ponds Velká Outrata and Malá Outrata, to the pond Malá Podvinice and back to the beginning of the way. Th e end of the fi shing walk can belong to the visit of museums, to tasting of some fish specialities, f.e. Carp made in the special Vodňany way (U Zástavů restaurant) or Carp made after the recipe of Mr. Štěpnička (Hotel Prajer).
Interesting places: The Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (1953); The Secondary Fisheries School (1920) – the monument of a Vodňany native Theodor Mokrý, a forest and fishing expert (2000); protected tree – the lime – 265 years old; the complex of Vodňany ponds (2nd half of the 15th and 16th centuries); the “Fishing” museum in the former synagogue; the Mostecký mill – a miller´s museum; Th e mill Řepiš – a miller´s memorial
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The path starts in the part of Vodňany called Rechle and it leads north-west up the Blanice brook (mill- race) and up the Blanice river to the village of Křtětice. On the path there are set 7 info points and a rest alcove. The visitors are informed about historical and natural objects of interest and about fi shing and miller´s tradition in the Vodňany region. Th e path joins the tourist way “Around Vodňany” which continues
from Křtětice to Radčice with an observation stop on the Radčice hill. Then the way leads up to the Loucký mill where meets the cycleway No 1075 with the possibility to come back to Vodňany. The refreshment in the pub U Korittů can be considered a pleasant stop on the way.
Interesting places: Th e Blanice river – fishing; The School Experimental fi sh culture facility of the Secondary Fisheries School and the Experimental fi sh culture facility of the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice; Křtětice – the village conservation area of folk architecture, a children´s playground, a pub; Radčice – the complex of folk buildings, a pub; the Loucký mill – the water power plant, a pub
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Opening: nonstop
Address: Zátiší, 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Omega-3 Carp
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Address: Zátiší 728, 38901 Vodňany,,, tel: 387 774 601
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Fish specialities, hot meals, 60 seats
Opening: mon - thu 10.00 - 20.00, fri + sat 10.00 - 22.00, sun 10.00 - 18.00
Address: náměstí Svobody 22, 38901 Vodňany, Karel Jarmar,,, tel: 777 793 700
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Opening: nonstop
Address: Na Valše 207, 38901 Vodňany,
Obrázek - Sine aqua dest vita
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The small pond ( 395 – 396 m above the sea level) lying in the system of other ponds, 1,5 km north-west of the historical Vodňany square, of the area 2,11 ha. The nature sight was proclaimed in 1990, it preserves the ecosystem. The pond is important from the standpoint of abundance of water birds for their nesting and migration and as a reproductive biotop for several species of the amphibians.
Address: 38901 Vodňany
w 3,8 km
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Záhorský pond with the adjacent damp meadows and alder grove along the river Blanice (406-412 m above the sea level), 1,5 km wast of the village Pražák and 4 km west of Vodňany covers an area 33,5 ha with the protective belt of 9,6 ha. In 1997 it was proclaimed the nature reserve because of the protection of marshland vegetation. It has considerable importance for the growing wetland habitat and for the keeping valuable wetland communities. It is the case of the rarest vegetation wetland zone in the whole west part of the České Budějovice region.
Address: Pražák, 38901 Vodňany
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Exhibitions and exposition called The Fishing Tradition in Vodňany
Opening: 1. 1. - 30. 4. - zavřeno, 1. 5. - 30. 9. - Mon - zavřeno, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 10. - 31. 12. - zavřeno, 5. 7. - 6. 7. - Mon - 9.00 - 12.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 1. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 11.00 and 13.00 - 16.00, 8. 5. - Mon - 9.00 - 11.00 and 13.00 - 16.00
Address: Majerova 153, 38901 Vodňany, Jitka Velková,,, tel: 731 013 957, 383 382 057
Obrázek - The Town Museum Vodňany (Synagogue)
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Opening: nonstop
Address: 38901 Vodňany
Obrázek - Water quality and biomonitoring